PBS As A Proactive Approach

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Evidence-based Research The purpose of PBS is to perceive PBS as a proactive approach which focus on placing 95% of energy and expertise into prevention of unwanted behavior and 5% for the response after the behavior. It focuses on the design of environments that promote desired behaviors and minimize the development and support of problem behaviors. Positive behavior meant ‘skills’ that increase the likelihood of success and personal satisfaction in normative settings. Support, is the educational methods used to teach, strengthen, and expand positive behavior. The successful implementation of PBS for ASD children is evidenced in several research (Horner et al., 2002; Matson & Nebel-Schwalm, 2007). Research found consistent findings which …show more content…

In some cases, findings indicated that PBS strategies were linked to an 80% reduction in challenging behavior. Positive behavior support (PBS) is founded from three core components, the importance of prevent, teach and respond. To begin with, prevent is the prevention of challenging behavior from occurring by using antecedent-based interventions. Realizing that all behavior serves a function, finding the function, and altering the environment in a manner that does not provoke unwanted behavior (Dunlap & Fox, 1999). Visual cues, schedules, functional assessment, social stories (Lorimer, Simpson, Myles, & Ganz, 2002) and Functional Communications Systems (Keen, Sigafoos, & Woodyatt, 2001) are some effective strategies being used in ASD children to prevent their disruptive behavior. Next, the role of teachers to ‘teach’ expectations, model and reinforce the meaning of ‘appropriate behavior’ is also sought to be important. …show more content…

Hence, expectations and rules in classrooms should not be created for the purpose of controlling one child, it should be for everyone. Rules and expectations should be created in the aim to correct a behavior which is meaningful for every student. It should be achievable, always begin small and increase as the student accomplish the basics. E.g. Don’t be late to class; Raise your hand before you speak; Keep your hands to yourself. Overwhelming ASD students with too many directives can cause those students to misunderstand what the teacher is expecting of him or her or even a behavioral meltdown if he or she becomes frustrated with not being able to accomplish a task. Rules and routine should be consistent and constant with every teacher. Children benefit from stability, children with ASD benefits even more. The restricted and repetitive patterns of ASD is sought to be alterable with constant model, remind, visually support, and enforcing behavior rules and

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