PPO Pros And Cons

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After reading the PPO, I asked myself, is this what this has come to? Is this how we're supposed to be safe? For some reason this ordinance made me feel like we were so much better without it. The anti-terrorist laws that had been passed on before may not have driven any terrorists away, but at least they weren't openly mocking the safety of all the civilians. These rigid laws don't really do much for anybody's safety except for maybe, those who are running away from them. With all its flaws in mind, the PPO was passed to put a stop to the scheduled offences that were/are taking place all over the country. Thus, one of the pros of the PPO is that it has defined all the specific offences clearly as much as it can. Use of bombs, weapons, arson, …show more content…

We've been living in the country all our lives and we know that nobody is really 'safe'. I find myself to quite agree with Asad Rahim Khan when he says that, instead of focusing on making new laws that are so much of a mockery we should just follow the old laws that are harder and not intolerable. The constitution, for example was still very flexible in terms. It did not just permit armed forces to shoot anybody who is a 'suspect' or anybody who seems like a suspect. However, let's not forget that 'enemy aliens' are not liable to any security. And that, 'the government may not in the interest of the security of Pakistan disclose the grounds for detention or divulge any information relating to a detainee, accused or internee who is an Enemy Alien or a Combatant Enemy'. If that isn't unfair or impractical then I don't know what is. This just openly outcasts people who have lived in Pakistan their whole lives and have been refused to be made a citizen of the country, not to mention they're considered as 'enemies' after a whole lot of vague 'evidence' is gathered against them. That is clearly not all since the PPO is not just an enemy of those who haven't been granted a citizenship. Apparently, the prosecuting agencies and the special courts can strip a citizen of their citizenship once they're proven …show more content…

Why an ordinance can’t be passed which has former and reasonable laws? Forget the ordinance, why can't we just follow the better laws that came before, which were maybe less than half better, but they obviously weren't a joke like the ordinance is. Perhaps it's not a joke, which it is not. It's a very serious matter. There is no justice being done even after everything that this country has been through. I for one live in my own shell, and am thankful to God that no tragedy has occurred to me from the result of the terrorism in this country. But it's not all about my family and my relatives, is it? The country is not all about my welfare, is it? Which even if it were, that too is endangered. Instead terrorism is a tragedy in itself. It's heartbreaking to know that so many people have died in this country, countless of them, yet there are no steps being taken to improve the situation. Every day people die because of the corrupt situation of the country. Everyday innocents are taken as 'suspects'. There are properties being destroyed, people being kidnapped, attacked. Minorities being targeted; the shias, the Christians. What sense of security are we left with when terrorism is not the worst situation here? When these laws that are so 'flexible' for none other than the evils of the society? How is there supposed to be any solution to this situation? What of the guilty party's family from whom everything has been taken away? What of their

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