PTSD In Veterans

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"1 out of 10 veterans alive today was seriously injured at some point while serving in the military." (Morin). While any of those ten veterans could have a hard time re-entering regular civilian life, the injured one will most likely struggle. Military personnel struggle most coping with service-related injuries when returning, which can affect them by developing PTSD and finding it difficult to maintain a full-time job. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can happen to anyone. PTSD is a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock. Veterans who have suffered service related injuries are four times more likely to develop PTSD than those who have not been injured. Experiencing a terrifying event, whether it happens to them, or they witness it happening to someone else, can cause PTSD (NIMH). It makes the traumatized person feel frightened, sad, anxious, and disconnected. Developing PTSD can also make them feel endangered …show more content…

The unemployment rate remains at 12.1%. For severely injured veterans like Lewis, unemployment rates increase significantly. There are over 16,000 wounded veterans, and more than a quarter of them are unemployed at 26.9%. Rehabilitation specialists say that every month an injured veteran goes without employment, their chances of finding work significantly decreases. For wounded veterans, directly finding employment seems nearly impossible. When they return home they have to spend 350 days in the Wounded Warrior Regiment, and they also spend 18 months to two years on a Disability Evaluation System. During that time they could contact future employers but they cannot accept the job or even an internship. So these veterans get tossed into the churning millions-strong mass of unemployed