When we think about how global warming affects the world we mostly think about the wildlife and the ecosystems that inhabit them. So often we forget that we, as humans, are an ecosystem and will to be affected by this global change of weather. The pacific northwest is known for its lush and abundant nature and greens, but the sad reality is that it too is affected by global warming. My hunch is that we play a direct role in global warming, more than we may think.The effects will be felt through not only the water we use, but the air we breathe and the greenery we see today. The pacific northwest, Washington in particular, is known for its coastal fishing and even leads the industry in clams and shellfish fishing. “Indeed, Washington leads the nation in farmed shellfish production, with approximately 10,500 metric tons of oysters, clams and mussels harvested in 2013. In recent years, this yield contributed $184 million in economic benefits. Washington shellfish growers employed more than 1,900 employees and created 810 indirect and induced jobs across the state” (Washington Shellfish Initiative). Unfortunately Washington’s water isn’t safe from the effects of global warming and could face ocean acidification. Ocean …show more content…
Everyday as we burn fossil fuel and pollute the air we put ourselves at risk of medical problems. “NOx and VOCs come largely from industry, cars, trucks, and equipment. When people breathe ozone air pollution, it can cause lung irritation, chest pain, coughing and congestion, as well as breathing difficulties during outdoor exercise or activities” (Washington State Department of Health). There have been discussions about how the state of Washington could decrease air pollutions and reap a benefit that could positively affect the state. Some ways are establishing a price for carbon pollution, begin to start using cleaner fuels, and improve energy