Paganism: Indo-European Religion

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Paganism is a group of indigenous, folk, ethnic religion and historical polytheistic religious traditions, culture and some Indo-European culture, that are pre- Christian and pre- Abrahamic faith Religions eras and some during .Paganism also refer to the Non Christian or Abrahamic cultures, Which can and do include shamanism, pantheism,and animism.Judeo-Christians and early Christians called them Hellene . because they distinguished people according to religion instead of culture.Used mostly during the first millennium of Christianity. Modern historians define paganism as a group of religious people without a written creed or sense of orthodoxy.In which these terms of Pagan and Hellene gave no ethnic or self-identification. Hellenism eventually …show more content…

And Others being kathenotheists, which worshiping different deities at different times. Some well-known historical polytheistic pantheons include the Sumerian gods and the Egyptian gods, ancient Greek and Roman religion. The Post-classical era( generally falls between the years AD 200-600 and AD 1200–1500) polytheistic religions include Norse Æsir and Vanir, the Yoruba Orisha, the Aztec gods, and many …show more content…

it can be a form of self therapy and self help with spirituality. Some self centered religions also don't and won't label themselves Pagan either .Then there are Pagans that are Deity centered.Its main focus is on the relationship and the reconstruction of the ancient paganism worship of the deities . So with these 3 core beliefs they overlap each other and can meet to join and can be what connects some

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