
Paganism Is Still Alive Essay

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Paganism: Yes, it’s Still Alive
Paganism is one of the world’s broadest, unrecognized and misunderstood religions. Paganism is defined as “A polytheistic or pantheistic nature-worshipping religion.” (Pagan International Federation) To expand upon that raw definition, Paganism describes a community of polytheistic indigenous religions from around the world, which includes but isn’t limited to Celtic, Greco-Roman, Native American, ancient Egyptian, Norse, Kabbalah, Shamanism, Druidism and Wicca.
Having the pleasure of interviewing Jennifer Maddox, a newly found Pagan, I got a glimpse into Paganism and its many different practices. Jennifer, who grew up in New York in a recovering Catholic household, Jennifer had no set religion. She considers her father an agnostic and possibly even an atheist, while her mother experimented with a local Christian church, Jennifer too found herself to lean towards agnosticism. Growing up in New York where the majority, including her friends, were either Jewish or Catholic she found herself feeling a little left out. After she moved to Fuquay-Varina and had children it was then that she felt a need for religion, not necessarily organized but the sense of community that comes …show more content…

But what most people don’t realize is we kinda have something like the 10 commandments, when we make our affirmations or prayers we always close with ‘for the greatest good ‘ and ‘may harm none’- meaning no one can be harmed by your affirmations. I can say I want a million dollars but if it harms another it will not happen. A good example is the stereotypical Devil, the Pagans have a goat looking demon creature, think of Pan, he is actually the protector of wildlife. Paganism is all about the moon, Mother Nature and its creatures. Paganism is also not very mainstream; everyone is steered towards a mainstream religion and there’s nothing wrong with that if it fits your needs but it just didn’t fit

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