Paid Family Leave Research Paper

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If You’re Not Thinking About Paid Family Leave Then Maybe You Shouldn’t be Running for President The U.S. is the only major country that has not yet endorsed paid family and medical leave. Undoubtedly, leaving us behind on this policy. It is a shame that we have not yet noticed how much more stronger we would be economically if we were to have paid family leave. Recently, during a democratic debate, Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley, and Bernie Sanders all advocated for the growth of paid family and medical leave. As Martin O’Malley stated, “... Look, the genius of our nation is that we find ways in every generation to include more of our people more fully in the economic life of our country… We would be a stronger nation if we had paid family leave.” O’Malley says this consequently after Clinton and Sanders, and agrees to their own statements. Paid maternity leave would benefit our country more than harming it. In fact, it would harm it very little. With paid family leave, expectant mothers and fathers would be a lot more happier than if they were not paid. The worry for making ends meet (ideally) would not be there. Mothers would work more efficiently when returning to their work. According to a 2011 study of the California Paid Family Leave Program, most employees …show more content…

Three years ago, as my mother neared her child’s birth, she also fought for her maternity leave to be paid. Not wanting and much less needing to add more to her payments, she struggled until finally she was granted her maternity leave to be paid. Believe it or not, this was of great help and rid my mother of worrying as much for bills. However, that was not the case with my other brother whom she had four years before. Because of her going into work so early she was not as able to breastfeed and spent as much time with him. Instead my brother was taken under the care of a daycare which she had to pay