Pain In John Steinbeck's All Quiet On The Western Front

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World War I started in 1914 and ended in 1918. It is known as the trench warfare war and one of the worst wars in history. Many soldiers from the French and German sides died. The war was fought in France and is known as one of the worst wars. The book All Quiet on the Western Front is about Paul and his journey throughout the war. The author explains the emotional, mental, and physical struggles that the soldiers went through. The trenches were deep and filled with water in the rain, causing many soldiers to get trench foot which is just one of the many illnesses and injuries that happened. All Quiet on the Western Front shows the reader the pain the soldiers went through as well as Paul's being impacted physically and mentally while …show more content…

One form of pain is physical pain by being inured. This type of pain was one of the most common, and caused many people to die in the war. Paul got hurt in the All Quiet on the Western Front and was forced to go to a hospital to get surgery. He saw many others with blown off hand and limbs and considered himself lucky that he still had all of his. If a soldier had a wound in the hand and it would take a lot of time and care to heal they would often just amputate part of the arm. Things like this happened regularly and some doctors used this time in the war as a time to experiment on the patients and try knew forms of surgery. One type was making arcs in people's feet, the surgeon took every opportunity, this often hurt the patients even more and made it so they could never walk again without assistance. Out in the trenches Paul witnessed someone's jaw getting popped out of place from being hit and his friend punching it to pop it back in. Events like this happened often because medical care was not always around. Paul witnessed his friend Kat die and tried to save him but he did not make it. Paul carried Kat over his shoulder to the nearest medic after being hit and tried saving him but Paul did not make it in time and his closest friend Kat died on his back. This was something that happened a lot as other people protected the men on their left and right. The trenches themselves filled up with water in the rain and were never clean causing many diseases to go around. This took out many soldiers and caused them to die in