Pandemonium In The 1950s: The 1950s Senator Joseph Mccarthy

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In the 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy created pandemonium by trying to expose communists and other threats of disloyalty to the government. Joseph McCarthy was a Wisconsin senator whose name was given to the 1950s time period: McCarthyism. Until 1954, McCarthy was a feared and powerful man in politics and caused anyone who had opposing political views to lose their jobs and reputations. The mass fear McCarthy created in the United States became known as the Red Scare and quickly led to a sense of distrust across the country. Joseph McCarthy, the youngest member of the senate, frightened the United States by creating paranoia by falsely accusing U.S. citizens of being communists. Joseph McCarthy was born on November 14, 1908. He grew up in …show more content…

Murrow started a television show that was used to judge McCarthy in the colder months(Dershowitz). The name of this show was See It Now and it was Murrow’s mission to seek out stories from ordinary people. One of his most significant episodes was when he decided to cover the story of Milo Radulovich. Milo was discharged from the Air Force because McCarthy believed that his mother and sister were linked to communism. Not long after the program was aired, Milo was reinstated, and in turn this caused McCarthy to start planning an attack on Murrow. However, unknown to McCarthy, Murrow was well prepared for McCarthy’s attack and had been studying him for years. In response Murrow released a program that was entirely made of McCarthy’s own words on March 9, 1954(PBS). In response to CBS’s Fairness Doctrine Policy McCarthy demanded equal amount of time to respond to Murrow's show, which he willingly allowed him. Despite Murrow’s generosity, McCarthy still demanded that Murrow’s sponsor, ALCOA, should pay for the cost of the filming of his rebuttal. After the programs Murrow was able to provide enough evidence to convince the United States Senate to Reprimand McCarthy and ruin his career. Murrow’s programs gave justice back to those whose rights were taken away without reason and eased the fears America