Pap Finn Greed Quotes

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Pap Finn is Huckleberry Finn’s drunken, slovenly father. The reader is first introduced to him in chapter five when Huck returns from giving Judge Thatcher his money. Pap knows that Huck is wealthy and being educated, but has no idea of what was just done prior to them meeting. Once Pap finds out about the money and Huck’s educations Pap gets angry and threatens to beat Huck for trying to be better than him. “Now looky here; you stop putting on frills. I won’t have it. I’ll lay for you, my smarty; and if I catch you about that school I’ll tan you good”(p.24). This is a sign of both violence and greed. The fact that Pap wants to control Huck’s money shows his greed. Pap’s violence does not stop at just threats and verbal attacks, but he also