
Paralysis In The Dead And The Beast In The Jungle

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The physical form of paralysis is perhaps the most notorious. The horror of being trapped in one’s own body is a sickening reality for many; however, some people are just as trapped in their own bodies. As quadriplegic actor Christopher Reeve said, “Some people are walking around with full use of their bodies and they’re more paralyzed than I am.” This is the case for many of the characters in James Joyce’s short story, “The Dead”, and Henry James’ novella, “The Beast in the Jungle”. The theme of paralysis plays an essential role in both works.
In “The Dead”, Joyce gives the reader a view of the stagnant cycle of middle class life in Dublin through his description of Misses Morkans’ annual dance, a yearly spectacle thrown by Kate and Julia …show more content…

He cares for his wife, Gretta, but doesn’t really understand her. When the Conways return to their hotel room, Gabriel wants to engage in physical intimacy, unaware of her mental disquiet. After hearing a certain song at the dance, Gretta sinks into a fit of nostalgia about a boy she loved, Michael Furey, who died after paying Gretta a visit in the snow before she was to leave Galway. Gretta confesses to Gabriel, “I think he [Michael] died for me… He said he did not want to live” (Joyce 174). Gretta’s tragic admission snaps Gabriel out of his lust-filled haze, and he realizes “how poor a part he, her husband, had played in her life” (Joyce 175). Gretta’s account of such a fleeting yet passionate love makes Gabriel realize that everyone is becoming frozen and faded, whether they realize it or not. Kate and Julia’s lifestyle is frozen in time even though it’s lavish and sparkling on the outside; Gabriel and Gretta’s relationship is paralyzed and, true to Lily’s word, hinges on Gabriel’s physical attraction; the quality of music and hospitality in Dublin is fading. Even the people who delude themselves into thinking that they’re radical have static, faded beliefs: for example, Miss Ivors tries so hard to be radical that none of her beliefs are really original--she aggressively jumps on …show more content…

The main character of “The Beast in the Jungle”, John Marcher, lives his life perpetually aware of some great tragedy that he feels is going to happen to him-- a beast in the jungle that is liable to jump out at any moment. He forms a close friendship with May Bartram because he confides this secret in May, who wants to see what eventually happens to Marcher. Somewhere along the line, May and Marcher both develop romantic feelings for each other, but Marcher suppresses his because he doesn’t want a wife to have to live with the sense of impending doom that he lives with. Marcher thought that the basis of their friendship-- the beast in the jungle-- “put marrying out of the question” (James 11). This is the primary example of paralysis in “The Beast in the

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