Paranoia In Macbeth And Holinshed's Chronicle

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People in real life and also in every story, play, musicals, etc, all have certain characteristics about themselves. In the tragic play Macbeth by William Shakespeare and in the story Holinshed’s Chronicle by Raphael Holinshed paranoia is a huge trait in these works of Literature. Paranoia is when someone or even multiple people are worried that other people or even everyone will find out their big secret that they do not want anyone to know about them. Macbeth, Banquo, and basically everyone in real life show the traits of paranoia at one time or another in their lives. In the play tragedy play of Macbeth, Macbeth shows that he has the trait of paranoia many times throughout the play. For example, after killing Duncan Macbeth states to Lady Macbeth “shall sleep no more. Macbeth can sleep no more” (2.2.41). Macbeth shows that he is so paranoid that everyone is going to find out that he was the person who …show more content…

For example, in Holinshed’s Chronicles Macbeth and Banquo worried and paranoid that people will find out that they are the ones that killed the king “so that he would not have his house slandered but that in time to come he might clear himself in anything were to laid to his charge upon any suspicion that might arise” (Holinshed 297). Both Macbeth and Banquo show that they are paranoid because they do not want people finding out about Duncan to ruin their reputation. In addition, they are are worried that their conscience is going to get the best of them, so Macbeth states that he they killed Duncan “he should be severed the same cup as he had ministered” (Holinshed 207). Macbeth and Banquo are paranoid that since they killed Duncan and if people were to find out it was them they will be next to be killed. In the play Macbeth they are not the only time you see paranoia, people in real life get paranoid all the

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