Parenting In Hamlet Research Paper

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The Love of Parents Being a parent is a very complicated and stressful job to have. There is many different ways to be a parent to a child, some work better than others, some children cooperate, while others rebell. There is no such thing as a flawless parent, although, some methods of parenting are a significant amount better than other methods. Despite the effort that a parent puts into teaching their children to be well mannered, mature adults, there is always some extent of damage that is done in the process. In the play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, Hamlet goes through many different traumatic experiences when it comes to his parents and how they are attempting to raise him into the king he was meant to be. It all begins with …show more content…

They are two of Hamlet’s childhood friends, but, neither of them can think for themselves. Since they are close with Hamlet, he senses that they were sent to him by his step father and mother to check in on him. It is well known that the two are essentially inseparable and have their names switched by the Queen to show that they are expendable to each other. Both Rosencrantz and Guildenstern do exactly as they are told with little to no argument, as long as they are not being put in danger. Due to the fact that they do not have parents to teach them to be their own person and think for themselves, they are used by the King and Queen to get the information that they want. Although they are not insane like Hamlet becomes, they are very dumb characters that get used time and time again by different people. As you can see, the lack of parents is just as bad as having parents that traumatize their children. As you can see, children can be set astray from what their parents want them to be based on just their methods of parenting. Hamlet went absolutely insane, Ophelia lost respect for her father and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are incapable of thinking for