Parenting Styles Paper

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Introduction Parenting style has a profound effect on child development. Currently, there are four major parenting styles: authoritative, neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian. Each one is made up of its own characteristics. These parenting styles yield diverse reactions from children when used. According to … there are “ four basic parenting styles, by combining and crossing the positive and negative poles of parental responsiveness and demandingness. these styles are often predictive of child characteristics.” The following case study will analyze lifespan development theories and decide which is the most applicable, Apply the appropriate lifespan development theory to support an identified intervention process, and provide a description …show more content…

The couple live in a predominantly white suburban community. The father works outside of the home as a communications company manager, and the mother works in the home, raising the children. The first child is Dawn and increase in activity and assertiveness with age. Both parents initially accept this behavior. The mother makes an extreme effort to redirect Dawns behavior, when she becomes fussy or demonstrates frustration. To assist with socialization, Terri takes Dawn to church-related function designed for children of preschool age. When Dawn is three years of age, a second child, Darren, arrives. It is later discovered that Darren had a congenital heart problem. This condition requires extensive medical treatment. Darren is often inconsolable which creates stress. More stress is added when the medical cost associated with Darren’s condition, increase, and create financial difficulty for the couple. To deal with the financial hardship, Bill works more, leaving Terry alone more frequently, with two …show more content…

In Permissive style parenting, “parents place few demands Anxiety Sensitivity and Perceived Parental Style 97 on their children in terms of responsibility and behavior. Terry would initially attempt to distract Dawn from undesirable behavior. She would also initially follow up this behavior with a demonstration of affection. Terrys parenting style evolved when a high amount of stress was introduced into the family dynamic. The addition of a second child can be a catalyst for stress, on its own. Darren’s Medical issues and expenses related to that condition created additional stress. According to USA Today “High amounts of debt is a large concern for many Americans. Last year's survey found that around one out of five people (20%) feel that accumulating too much debt is their biggest financial regret.” (Rawes, 2014). The stress was further compounded with Bills working more and being home less