Essay About Parents And Self Esteem

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The family is an important life setting where much of children’s care and socialization takes place. For older children and adolescents, family atmosphere and resources also create an essential factor of their quality of life directly moving their relational experiences and life changes. Parents are of great importance to a child’s healthy development. Since they are their child’s first tutors and role models, their duties are not just limited to providing nourishment and shelter to their children, but also include their offspring’s emotional well-being and safety. Children deprived of any of this stuff are predisposed to significant behavioral problems. Many researchers report that majority of the teenagers involved in unlawful acts come from a family who has either one or both the …show more content…

Does the absence of parents affect the adolescent’s self-esteem? As such, building positive self-esteem should be a primary component of educational programs geared to motivate learning. On the other hand, how do these adolescents cope with the daily hassles, pressures, problems, major life events or stress, in general, considering that they lack parental guidance and support? The researcher contends that these students have to meet their psychological needs. College students are the target participants in this study because the researcher is currently working with them. Subsequently, the college students are expected to meet certain developmental tasks which can be challenging for most of them coupled with their other stressors that they have to face. The researcher considers that a high self-esteem relates positively with successful coping. Thus, it is important to enhance the self-esteem of these students and teach them effective coping approaches so that they will be capable of thriving in the situation they are in