Parents Vaccinate Children Essay

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Should Parents Vaccinate Their Children? Since the birth of vaccinations, many lives have been saved from deadly, harmful diseases. Vaccinations help people go through their everyday lives producing immunity to diseases. Most children and grown adults have received vaccinations at one point in their lives for prevention from harmful diseases and illnesses. In recent years, however, parents have been choosing not to vaccinate their children. Parents should choose to vaccinate their children to keep their children and the community safe and healthy, and to avoid neglect of their child. Children are typically vaccinated for many different types of diseases during the course of their lives. Some of these vaccinations include but are not limited to: measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, HPV, influenza, and varicella. These diseases are known to have killed a wide spread of people ranging from any age. A person can choose to be vaccinated at any point in their lives, doesn’t matter what age the person is, however, most people start receiving vaccinations when they are under the age of one. Without vaccinations, …show more content…

The more people who choose to not vaccinate their children, the higher risk those children are at for contracting a disease. Not only that, but these children are harboring the viruses that cause these diseases. According to Fisher, “in 1960 there were more than 1.5 million cases of measles and more than 400 deaths associated with this disease. As a result of our active immunization process in 1998 the United States had only 89 cases of measles and there were no deaths” (Fisher & Shelov, 2000). By this statistic, it is clear to see that by vaccinating children, we are saving other’s lives in the community as well by not spreading deadly diseases onto others, including those who are too young to receive vaccinations