Park Observation Report

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Age is only how you choose to feel. When surrounded by a natural, fresh aired atmosphere, age seems to be a factor. Observing a park setting and keeping in mind that factor, it suddenly brings a level of enlightenment for those that observe. The observation leaves a lingering question once it is evaluated, being; what is the behavioral differences between adults and children while at the park?; A person’s age determines the main activities and behaviors they engage in at a public park. As an observant at the park, I incorporated myself simply. In this setting it is common to sit and enjoy the atmosphere of fresh air and those that are relaxing around you. I could blend simply because it seemed as though I was studying and having a peaceful …show more content…

According to science study from Science Daily, “it is critically important for adults and seniors to engage in physical activity, most neighborhood parks have few programmed activities targeted to those groups, according to a new study.”(RAND para 2) Therefore showing that parks are not a go-to place for adults and seniors but solely because, there is not activities for adults like there is for children. However, how parks are structured it seems to be that they are created for children. In an article from Health and Wellbeing magazine, it stated “"We aim for children to experience true free play," says Kristen Lambert, who runs the scheme's PlayRanger service. "Play that's not set up according to an adult agenda –” children’s wellbeing and fun experiences are a lot more in parks agendas rather than adults. In the same article it brings up a point about how children are lured into having fun by park creators adding nature and fun; it says in these exact words, “ "Nature is a tool," says Moss, "to get children to experience not just the wider world, but themselves." ”(Henley para …show more content…

Research shows that there is a low attendance of adults at parks due to the fact that there is no activities for them to participate in. The observation backs up this finding because there were adults focused on things like their phones or homework instead of the energy that the park can provide. The lost of focus in adults and the openness of the children in the observations goes hand in hand with the psychological aspect of the research. A part of the research explains how most parks are created for children’s benefits and therefore that explains why the adults at the park usually go there to everything and anything else but have physical fun. There is behavioral difference in every setting that one can visit. While observing a park, the behavioral differences is influenced by age and surroundings. Even though the difference is noticeable while observing it, there can be factors changed, that can help with every age having the liberty to act and feel because it is provided to