The story is about a young kid named Manny, who lives in California. It leads the reader through the exciting events with his family and also the change that he goes through as he gets older. It pretty much a story of his life with co stars like Nardo, Magda, and other characters.
In A Parrot In The Oven, Martinez uses interior monologue to show that Manny is a passionate, curious, and observant kid.
In the beginning of the novel, Manny was really into baseball. Playing baseball was his safe haven and he was determined to save up and buy another baseball glove. Baseball was pretty much his life and he loved to put his hand into a glove and play. Within the story, Martinez used the the concept of interior monologue to help display Manny’s love for the game. The text states, “Baseball had a grip on my fantasies, and I couldn’t shake it loose” (Martinez p.10). This informed the reader of how important baseball was to Manny. Manny was absolutely in love with the sport and it was the main thing he focused on at the time.
Within the middle of the book, Manny’s father had a sort of obsession with this rifle that he had. He would dust it and later on, drunkenly threaten to shoot Manny’s mom with it.
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Martinez supports theses characteristics by putting samples of interior monologue displaying these things and allowed the reader to get in on it as well.In my opinion, Manny can be an actual person. In the story, he goes through a lot of situations that kids his age are actually facing in the real life world. I know of a few people that were in predicaments similar to Manny’s, his life is pretty much reality. I feel like Manny could be someone that i would meet at school some random day, Martinez put the events together in a well way and gave Manny a hint of the real world. I didn’t really like the book that much though (mainly because I don’t like