Part Time Indian Figurative Language Essay

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Figurative Language in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian In most modern day literature, authors tend to use figurative language to make the readers visualize the text in many ways. This is eminent in the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. In the novel, the author uses figurative language to help the reader visualize events, describe characters, and to describe the narrator’s feelings. Firstly, the author uses many vivid descriptions of figurative language to describe events and scenes in the novel. For example, the text states, “My teeth got so crowded that I could barely close my mouth. I went to Indian Health Service to get some teeth pulled so I could eat normally, not like some slobbering vulture” (2). This indicates that this use of figurative language is to visualize this scene. It helps the readers of the novel, visualize the unorthodox amount of teeth the character has. In addition, the text demonstrates, “I picked up the other boot and dug inside. Man, that thing smelled like booze and fear and failure” (151). This indicates that this simile was used to describe that Junior has come to know that alcohol leads to failure. This scene in the novel is a simile which can be viewed as an event because this can be pictured in many minds. …show more content…

The author’s usage of similes and metaphors allow the readers of the novel to visualize and know what is going on throughout most of the book. Although some may say the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian is based on characterization and themes, throughout the novel, it is mainly based on how Sherman Alexie uses figurative language and literary devices to grab the reader's attention through the wide range of vivid descriptions and