A Short Note On Participant Observation

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Archal and Rossman (1989) note that the definition of "systematic description of events,
Behaviors, and works of art in a social setting selected for the study "(P.79). Enable Notes
Researcher to describe existing conditions by using the five senses, providing "written image"
The situation is under study. DeMUNCK and SOBO (1998) described the participant observation as a basic means used by anthropologists do field work. Field work involves "active appearance,
Writing detailed field observations, and perhaps most importantly, patience "(DeWalt and Dewalt,
2002, p.vii). Participant observation is a process that enable researchers to identify
People activities under study in a natural environment by observing and participating in
Those activities. …show more content…

• To help the researcher became known to members of the cultural and facilitate thus relieving
Of the research process.
• provide the researcher with a source of questions that need to be addressed with the participants

Bernard (1994) lists five reasons for the inclusion of participant observation in cultural studies, each
Including increasing the validity of the study:
1. makes it possible to collect different types of data. Being on the site during a period of time
Inform the researcher on the society, and thus facilitate the participation in the
Sensitive activities that he / she is generally not invited.
2. It reduces the incidence or persons acting in a certain way when they are
Being aware of the celebration.
3. It also helps the researcher to develop questions that make sense in the original language,
With culturally relevant.
4. It gives the researcher a better understanding of what is happening in the culture and
It lends credence to one of the explanations for observation. Note also participate
It enables a researcher to collect quantitative and qualitative data through surveys
And interviews.
5. Sometimes it is the only way to collect the right data to study …show more content…

Miriam (1998) suggests that the most important factor in determining what is a researcher
We should note the purpose is the researcher to conduct the study in the first place. "Where
To start the search depends on the research questions, but where to focus or work stoppage can not be
Identify early "(Merriam, 1998, P.97).

To help the researcher knows what to celebrate, DeWalt and DeWalt (2002) suggests that
He / she is the study of what is happening and why; regular sort of irregular activities. a look
A variation to view the event in its entirety from a variety of perspectives. Search negative
Cases or exceptions. When behaviors embody the purposes of the theory of control, search for similar opportunities for monitoring and planning of systematic observations
Behaviors. Over time, these events may change, with this season, for example, fixed, so
Control activities or events that one has already noticed may be necessary.
WOLCOTT (2001) indicate that workers in the field to ask themselves if they are a good use for
The opportunity to find out what they want to know. He also advised that the workers in the field asking
Themselves if they want to know what makes maximum use of the opportunities