Parvana In The Breadwinner, By Deborah Ellis

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Parvana, the protagonist from The Breadwinner a book by Deborah Ellis, is courageous. First of all, she was made into a boy to make money. She had to cut her hair, wear her old brother’s clothes and go out into the market everyday, thinking someone would see past her scheme. If a Taliban had caught her she probably would’ve been tortured and sent to jail. Additionally, she has the problem of going to the bathroom as a boy. Second, Paravana went to the graveyard to dig up bones even though she knows it’s a risky job. She “[wasn’t] sure this was a good idea.” ( Ellis 94). Graveyards are already scary but made scarier when you are digging other people’s bones. The last reason is Parvana was out on the streets after the curfew accompanied by