Brief Summary Of Patrick Henry's Speech

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Patrick Henry, a man who spoke with eloquence, addressed the second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775, in St. John’s Church, Richmond Virginia. He truthfully said, “I speak the language of thousands.” His mother, Sarah Henry, a Winston, and his father, a Scottish immigrant, well-to-do planter, John Henry, had him on May 29, 1736. Patrick Henry was their second of nine children. He had a happy childhood: he played the fiddle and the flute, and he enjoyed being with his younger sisters. His formal schooling was pitiable: he did not go school. However, his father and his father’s brother, who was Patrick’s namesake, taught him well since they had a formal education. At home, there was religious tension: Sarah and John worshiped in different churches. Patrick was able to hear different evangelists. Stories alleged that Patrick would enthusiastically repeat the sermons that the evangelists would preach. Instead of going to college as many his age did, Patrick, at 15, went to work along the banks of the Pamunkey River. He learned there the ways of the …show more content…

Patrick saw the actions of certain leaders of the colonies. He would go the House and use strong language concerning the taxation. In May 1765, he gave an electrifying speech, which was his Stamp Act Resolves. With that speech, he started the alarm for the revolution. In the midst of all this commotion, his wife, Sarah, after her sixth child, began to lose her mind. Patrick still endured in the movement for liberty, nonetheless. He, as Sam Adam in Massachusetts did, was effective in creating an insurgency. In February 1775, Sarah died, and a month later, March 20, the Virginia Assembly called the second Revolutionary Convention. Initially, Patrick remained silent: it was not until March 23 when he began to speak. At that moment, he began to speak his zenith “Liberty or Death” speech. In 1777, Henry ended his mourning period by marrying Dorothea Spotswood