Patriot Act Should Not Be Repealed Essay

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The Patriot Act should not be repealed. In the article ¨The Patriot Act¨ by Mike Kubic, it states the benefit of having the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act should not be repealed because it helps the people be safe from a terrorist attack, helps the investigators with tracking down the terrorist, and they also could have everyone's private things. It helps the people be safe from a terrorist attack. “USA PATRIOT Act” that Congress enacted in October 2001 to enable the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National Security Agency (NSA) to collect information they considered to be potentially helpful in preventing future terrorist attacks. Without the act the agencies would not be aware of an attack and would not be prepared. Defenders of the program asserted with equal fervor that it struck the right balance between intelligence needs and privacy, and that the program was a necessary information tool for national security. The ones that were in favor of the program wanted the citizens of the country to be safe from …show more content…

Most objections were raised against the law’s Section 215 that allowed the government to conduct wiretaps and search business records in order to Lnd out with whom – including individuals in the United States – a suspected terrorist abroad had been in telephone contact. The people felt watched and they felt like they didn't have no privacy anymore. ¨The specific complaint was that this provision violated the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that deals with the “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” and seeks to protect this right by “requir[ing] law enforcement oNcers to obtain warrants before making most searches.” People felt like their privacy was going down with the act and it was unconstitutional. People weren't so happy with them losing their privacy and weren't so happy with the

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