
Patriotism In America

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Our nation always has questions about our prodigious country. Therefore, why do we sing the national anthem? What is an American? Is the American Dream still possible? What is Patriotism? Us Americans are always eager to know the answers, what they’re living under and where they’re living at regarding our country. People say they have overcome their American dreams by providing for themselves or their families, they have token many obstacles to get where their at & their still unhappy, also they say that they haven’t conquered or experienced their American dream. As people convey to themselves, “I ruined my chance of having an American dream for myself”, nevertheless it’s never to late to pursue your American dream. Being a Patriot …show more content…

As he states, “Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs”(Walt Whitman 10) some middle class workers will be proud at what they’re singing for. Which is a blessing to live in a country that provides people a job and money that gets them threw living. The middle class workers show their joy by celebrating anything that is related to America. As long as they have a roof over their head and food on the table, they’re happy. Claude McKay explains in his poem “What is America”. “Beneath the touch of Time’s unerring hand, Like priceless treasure sinking in the sand”(Claude McKay 10) people thank America. Americans thank America for what they have given them and what they have experienced. This person is proud to be an American and won’t have a second guess on representing their country. Barack Obama states his opinion in his article on “Patriotism”. As Obama reveals to his opinion, America & the people in the country have it good. As he quotes “ That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty & the pursuit of Happiness”(Barack Obama 2). Our nation is appreciated that soldiers fighting for our country, if people did not want to have a good life for themselves and the people that they truly care about, we would all be in danger. Thank you to those and for those who serve to our country, protecting us from

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