Paul Miller Essay

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At a young age, Paul Miller didn’t always want to be a police officer he saw himself being more of a business man however that wasn’t the case. After being raised by a single mother he felt it was his duty for him to look out for her and his younger brother. He enjoyed the feeling he got when someone had trusted and felt safe with him. That was when he had made up his mind in his later high school years that he wanted to be a police officer. He took it upon himself to get a better understanding of the job and decided that job shawdowing would give him better insite of the job.
When he finally decided this was what he wanted to do he set out to complete the steps that would help him get there. Before starting, Miller attended and completed his …show more content…

During his employment he has seen not only firsthand but also in news and social media all over how important it is how he handles certain situations. Although police are meant to help, people don’t always see it in that way. I asked for more specific examples and he responded the following. In the Latin community, people are scared of being deported especially now with our new president in office. In many situations their has been times when a crime has been commited, it wont be reported. “When a crime isn’t reported no one gets held responsible for it, the possibility of it happening is possible and it worries me when my community can’t trust me to help ”. In those cases they try to reach out and assure them they are only there to get information to help not hurt.
Technology is one thing very important in the Criminal Justice field. Even though its not always shown on television officers spend quite some time behind computers using multiple software’s for different scenarios. “It is important as a police officer to keep up on date with technology because it is in every aspect of our lifes.” As a officer one may look at social media to retrieve information on a person case to simply writing a