It triggered thoughts that were longing in my mind. Although, the book was different than I thought, it was even better. I immediately fell in love with its philosophical aspect of the world, teaching me about the value of treasures and the passion it takes to finds them. A couple of quotes deeply engraved into my heart, the first one was said to Santiago, it stated: “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it,” (Coelho 43). This quote proved to me that fate always works in your favor, and that compassion being put into something, is only multiplied in order to make it happen.
Being Your Better Self Becoming better benefits a bunch of beings. When you become better, you may not know it, but people around you benefit from you trying to improve. This happens to the main protagonist, Santiago because he strives to become better and everyone and everything’s lives around him improve as well. In the novel, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, Santiago learns, “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.” To begin, King Melchizedek tries to become better, and in return Santiago becomes better.
In contrast, The Alchemist provides hopeful insights when Santiago goes on a journey and discovers new ideas and hidden treasures. He discovers that playing it safe proves more dangerous to his freedom than taking risks. When placed in a life and death situation, Santiago learns that the Soul of the World is shared by everything. In both of these books, the characters have traumatic experiences that eventually create epiphanies that provide hope and
While people come in all shapes in sizes, underneath it all we are still flesh and blood. Even if people have a different skin color or orientation we are all humans living on this earth. This idea, no this fact was really driven home to me when I was traveling with my family around the world. We met people in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Ecuador and though they looked and talked different they had the same needs, concerns and wants. I found a quote by Santiago, a boy in The Alchemist, written by Paulo Coelho that really explains this better than I ever could, “I have inside me the winds, the deserts, the oceans, the stars, and everything in the universe.
Paulo Coehlo’s, The Alchemist, explores the Hero’s Journey through the story of a shepherd, Santiago. Throughout the novel, Santiago becomes more aware of his potential as he pursues his Personal Legend. He faces temptations and obstacles as he develops as a character. The hero crosses the threshold when they leave their old reality in search for a new one. Santiago crosses the threshold by selling his sheep and taking a boat to Africa.
The Alchemist Santiago has many mentors along the way during his journey. He had the alchemist, the crystal merchant, and his own sheep. The alchemist helped Santiago turn himself into the wind. Turning Santiago into the wind saved his life, he was being held captive and when he turned into the wind he was able to escape from the people holding him captive.
Lessons, Memories, and Values Gained “‘If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man. You’ll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in the heavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race.’” expresses the courageous camel driver (Coelho 87). Braving through the strong and dangerous desert, Santiago listens to those around him, including the leaders of the trip who seem to have no fear of their environment. Leaving behind his role as a shepherd, Santiago embarks on a difficult trip to a treasure seen in his dreams, during which, he receives words of wisdom from many. In The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho utilizes the lessons, memories, and values created during Santiago’s journey
Introduction The Alchemist is a novel by Brazillian author Paulo Coelho which throws light on how a person 's will power ,dreams and sacrifises leads him to his dreams or his chosen paradise. If a person desires something how the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream ,this can be seen through the story of Santiago ,a shepherd who believes his reccuring dream to be prophetic. The story revolves around a boy who in search of treasure finds the true meaning of life and discovers the reason behind his existence ,he explores the secrets that lie behind the human mind and finds a new meaning of the world ,how he understands the language of the world and adds new chapter to his life. the alchemist is a story that makes people realize the power of omens and forces to believe in oneself,this story states that no one else can help you except you ,this book has been a ray of hope for those who were in chaos,who failed to find the meaning of happiness. This book teaches alot ,maybe it 's another omen for a good
Santiago is a young boy who yearns for adventure and purpose in his life.from a young age he knows he wants to see the world and becomes a shepherd to experience new places. Santiago still struggles to find meaning and purpose throughout his many years of travel though. It's not until he goes on the journey to follow his personal legend that he truly develops as a character. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, challenges readers to acknowledge their self-worth and realize they are strongest when they love themselves.
All individuals have the power to define their own fate if they pursue their dreams, persevere, and have self-confidence. In The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, the protagonist, Santiago, is a humble shepherd boy. His parents urged him to study to enter priesthood but he had always longed to travel (10). He makes the decision to stop studying in seminary and instead becomes a shepherd.
Through talks of Abraham and the Quran, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho has an overlying theme of religion. The book follows the life of shepherd named Santiago and his journey throughout life as he wants to travel around the world, where he meets many people that give him advice on his journey. Like the prologue Narcissus story, The Alchemist itself has a message that is concentrating on oneself can unite a person to nature and the spiritual world. Only through single-mindedly attempting to reach his Personal Legend does Santiago learn the mysteries of the Soul of the World, for instance. Throughout the book, Santiago must put his attention first repeatedly, as when he decides to be a shepherd preferably than a priest and when he leaves the haven to continue on his journey.
Relationships are one of the most essential qualities one needs in order to overpass the constant struggles life bombardes towards your path. The unconditional support, reliance, and deep affection leads to a better management of dealing with the outcome of stress and uncertainty of the moment. This idea of the importance of relationships is further explored in Paulo Coelho's novel, The Alchemist. The novel revolves around a young shepherd boy named Santiago and the journey he makes from his homeland in Spain to the egyptian pyramids, where his seemingly treasure is buried. Along the way, Santiago encounters a king, a crystal merchant, and an Alchemist, which all support and direct Santiago in the direction of his personal legend.
Nothing prevented me from continuing to enjoy the pleasure of reading, save for a few bad books I’ve had to read for school. Having read The Alchemist, I realize that I have many inner resources that I could use to continue my “journey”, specifically, searching out more books to
In his book The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho narrates the tale of a shepherd named Santiago who embarks on a quest to live out his own unique legend. Santiago gains insightful knowledge on pursuing his dreams and overcoming challenges throughout the course of the novel. The novel is a beloved classic that has struck a chord with readers all over the world because of its universal themes of self-discovery and tenacity. Readers identify with Santiago's journey in The Alchemist because it perfectly captures the core of the human experience. The book serves as a reminder that each of us has a special purpose in life that is just waiting to be realized, but it requires risk-taking and overcoming hardship.
Decision-making through the theory of Existentialism Existentialism is a philosophy which means finding self or finding meaning of life. It is theory which talks about freedom. Paulo Coelho in the novel The Alchemist talks about Santiago’s dilemmas and how he takes decision.