Pay For Building New Stadiums Essay

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Should Taxpayers Pay For Renovating and Building New Stadiums? Taxpayers should pay for renovating and building new stadiums because the stadiums getting built and renovating will produce lots of jobs, money will thrive, and sports teams will help cities with their identity. How much money does new stadiums cost taxpayers? Over 20 years, close 7 billion dollars cost the public for building or renovating of new stadiums. In 2002, New Englands Patriots renovating cost the public 72 million dollars in taxes. The Falcons New 1.4 billion stadium cost the public over $600 million dollars in 2017. The Raymond James Stadium where the Buccaneers play cost the public $29 million dollars in 2015. The Minnesota Vikings Metrodome U.S. Bank stadium cost Minnesota $500 million just for renovating in 2016 (Foxsport). Jobs we’ll make money and produced by the stadiums. Los Angeles Rams new stadium in California predicted to cost 3 billion dollars but produce close to 22,000 jobs (Wolla). First, the building of the stadium creates construction jobs. Second, people who attend games or work for the team generates money and jobs. Third, a home city team attracts tourists and companies to the games, increasing spending and jobs. Finally, people argue that new stadiums bring or make so much economic growth that they are self-financing. According to a article, …show more content…

When you think of Chicago, what do you think of? Well I think of the Great Chicago Skyline but also I think of the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago Blackhawks. In the 1960s, Indianapolis downtown was a ghost town for most of the part. A section of downtown Indianapolis had the most abandoned buildings and office buildings. Indianapolis fame in the long run was Indy 500 in a middle of the corn field during the 60s. Now Indianapolis is thriving with still hosting the Indy 500 plus the Indianapolis is home to NBA team, has an NFL Franchise, and has a minor league baseball team

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