Pc Vs Mac Compare And Contrast

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Which Is Better, PC or Mac? Many people around the world need computers. From work to school, or even recreation. When they begin this journey, they must decide, PC or Mac? Everyone has their own opinion, PC is superior. I will compare the two brands and products, then you can decide. To begin, some background information on the companies. Apple (Mac) and Microsoft (PC) are both billion dollar companies. Apple’s yearly sales are $233.27 billion with 53.73 billion in profits, while Microsoft’s is $86.6 billion yearly with 10.18 billion as of 2016. (Forbes,np) With that much annual income, it's no wonder why Apple is capped in the stock market at 586 billion and Microsoft at 407 billion. Apple has over 110,000 employees to date while Microsoft has upwards of 118,000. (Forbes, np) Then there are the products. Both companies have many different products. These products include: phones, tablets, operating systems, and most importantly, computers. Both companies started with computers, and now have expanded. But, there is one twist that a PC has. If a person knows how to build a computer, then Microsoft allows them to build their own by selling their OS or operating system for one hundred dollars. This means that if a person wants a specialized computer, …show more content…

A PC can come with: Word, Excel, Spreadsheet, Explorer, for the productive worker or even a student. Apple comes with a very small amount of applications, which include; Safari, Imovie, and Garageband, which would be for the more entrepreneurial type of person. Apple also has iTunes, iCloud, and Apple Pay for Iphones, Of course, all of these applications can be deleted and redownloaded if necessary. PCs are packed with more applications than a Mac, which can be both positive and negative. On one side, there is selection of applications for different needs, but on the other hand, not all of these applications are used at all times or even at

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