Peaceful Protest Research Paper

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I'm not sure there is a such thing as "peaceful resistance to laws" this day and age we live in! It is our right as a citizen of the United State of America to peacefully protest when we feel like it is just and necessary. However, often times it is not peaceful at all. We've seen in recent days the lack of peaceful protests. At one time, a few weeks ago, anytime you turned to one of our national news media stations all anyone saw was the riots and violence going on at a protest. It is my belief that if the media weren't there the rioting protestors and their followers would take there ball and go home. Some are looking for their 5-minutes of fame, while others are looking for a little attention, whether good or bad. Many feel the only way …show more content…

It's ridiculous to say the least. When I'm 17 and I know better. Maybe it is the way I was raised. We talked about our issues with one another instead of destroying things. Since I'm on my soapbox I'll go a little further. My generation "millennials" feel like they are entitled to everything. Many feel that the world owes them something. As a millennial myself, I am ashamed to even be in the same category as everyone else in my generation. Anyome that watches their local news will see the the stealing and chaos that goes on on a daily basis. My belief on stealing is, that person doesn't care if that item belongs to them or not however, they feel that it doesn't matter, if they want it they can take it. No matter who it belongs to. The police have their hands tied sometimes especially when the media are broadcasting their every move. If the police were able to do their jobs without people criticizing every step that is made I believe this world will be a better place. So much pushing and shoving in today's world. It seems people are offended by anything and everything. The Bible says in Psalm 145:8, The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great