Pearl Is The Devil In The Scarlet Letter

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Hester is a woman who has moved from England to the United States. Her husband

Chillingworth comes with her but she arrives first. Hester waits for Chillingworth for some time not

knowing if he's alive or dead. She becomes lonely and has an affair with the town minister

Dimmesdale. Hester has a daughter as a result of the affair. She names her daughter Pearl. But then

comes Chillingworth which causes some conflict. Hester has come to love Dimmesdale and doesn't

know wether to stay with Chillingworth or run away with Dimmesdale and Pearl. Hesters adultery and

wearing of the scarlet letter affects Pearl because she is born from sin, she has no father figure, and she

is isolated.

Hesters adultery and wearing of the scarlet letter affects Pearl by …show more content…

It is said many times throughout the

book that Pearl is different, evil, or even an imp. Some people genuinly believe that Pearl is an actual

devil. One can only imagine the effect that would have on a child if they were told many times that

they were evil and a devil. This will obviously affect a child negatively. By being told she is a devil at a

very young age, she could come to believe it. Her whole life she could possibly be seen as a devil and

she could believe. That could leave her to do some bad things.

Hesters adultery and wearing of the scarlet letter affects Pearl by not having a father figure. It is

normal that when a child is born from an affair, the father is not present in that childs life. This is the

case with Pearl. Her real father, Dimmesdale, is not present and in fact waits until she is seven years

old to tell her that he is her father. “I stand upon the spot where, seven years since, I should have stood; here, with this woman...” (Hawthorn 160). This is said by Dimmesdale near the end of the book. He is

standing on the scaffold with Hester and Pearl in front of all the town when he reveals he is the