Pechorin Individualism

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In the novel A Hero of Our Time by Mikhael Lermontov, translated by Dimitri and Vladmir Nabakov, Lermontov highlights the novels protagonist, Pechorin, as a hero by juxtaposing him with minor characters who accentuate his superiority. Throughout the work we find foil characters that seem to resemble Pechorin through their actions, but rather represent a set of cultural vices applicable to 19th century Russia, that Pechorin seems immune to. These conventional individuals are often faced with the same challenges as Pechorin, but fail to succeed him in their task due to their critical flaws. When these approaches are compared to Pechorin’s approach, Pechorin’s superiority shines. Despite the fact that Pechorin lacks any stereotypical indicators of heroism, his successful evasion of the flaws that bring his doubles down, allows him to be viewed as a hero in comparison.
Lermontov contrasts Pechorin with Grushnitsky to show Pechorin’s individualism and honesty compared to Grushnitsky’s strive to assume a role he doesn’t fit. During the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky, while …show more content…

Unlike other characters like Grushnitsky, who would mask such a harsh reality with “sweet meats”, Pechorin resists the temptations of lies, refusing to be dishonest to both Mary and himself. Recognizing that Pechorin was not entitled to this conversation, only makes Pechorin more respectable. Pechorin could have just as easily abandoned Mary to her illusion state, leaving her lost in question about Pechorin’s love for her, but instead he returns and disillusions