Pediatric Critical Care Personal Statement

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I became interested in pediatric critical care in my fourth year of medical school, and my interest only grew in residency because of the diverse pathology, emphasis on physiology, high acuity, and interdisciplinary collaboration within the field. I appreciate the unique continuity in critical care with long-stay patients and patients who return frequently as well as the meaningful relationships that can develop quickly given the intense environment. I value the privilege of walking with patients and families through the most challenging times of their lives and the opportunity to spend most of my clinical time in a single setting, which fosters relationships between teammates. I also look forward to how a career as a pediatric intensivist …show more content…

The frustration of being unable to address socioeconomic factors that harm children’s health inspired me to participate in legislative and civic advocacy. Through my time as a Vot-ER Civic Health Fellow, as well as in other research and volunteer experiences, I have gained tools that make me a more effective advocate for my patients and the advancement of children’s health. Meeting with legislators as a medical student and resident impressed upon me the platform I can leverage to improve the health of all children. I will use my expertise in caring for the sickest patients to promote policies that keep children out of the ICU, from firearm safety to mental health funding to vaccine promotion. Pediatric critical care often evokes ethical uncertainty and moral distress especially as we grapple with how to best implement the ever-expanding array of interventions at our disposal. My ethics education, extracurricular activities, and clinical experiences have prepared me for the challenging discussions and decisions I will face with my patients and at an institutional level. I hope to continue to be involved in clinical ethics informally as well as on my institution’s ethics committee, and I may pursue additional training to become an ethics