Compare And Contrast Dewey And Peirce

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Peirce’s unpopular philosophical exposure at the time and the fact that he could not publish a major philosophical work to develop this idea at the time left William James to be known as the first to publicly publish the idea. Pragmatism grew to gradually become a notable American philosophy of the time through the works of William James and John Dewey. William James (1842-1910) was born into an intellectual family. He studied painting, which he later left to study chemistry and comparative anatomy at the Lawrence Scientific School at Harvard and then medicine at the Harvard Medical School. He began his teaching career in Harvard, teaching, first, anatomy and physiology, then, psychology and later, philosophy. Unlike Peirce, he wrote a number of books , philosophical essays and presented a lot of papers in philosophy (especially on pragmatism) and psychology. Alongside William James at the time and another major proponent and promoter of pragmatism was John Dewey (1859-1952). Unlike Peirce and James, Dewey was a professor of philosophy. He was a graduate student at John Hopkins University when Peirce was there, and so he is probably a student influenced by Peirce himself. He taught at the University of Chicago and then the Columbia University. He had …show more content…

Scholars (such as Susan Haack, Nicholas Rescher, Cheryl Misak, Sami Pihlström) who were eager to resurrect Peirce’s originality of the theory and also save the theory from the defamation it had to suffer because of the interpretations and applications made of it have begun to piece together Peirce’s original ideas and also the works and manuscripts of Charles Sanders Pierce to aid a clear understanding of his philosophy