Pelagianism Vs Predestination Research Paper

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Pelagianism is the opposite of predestination. While predestination incline to salvation through grace and Gods sovereignty powers pelagainism tries to correct that by arguing that salvation can be earned. Calvin and Augustine are popularly known for stirring and defending predestination believes. In simple logic God created humankind and chose those who will inherit the kingdom of God and cursed others for damnation. Augustine seems to reinforce this believes when he says that salvation can only be through Gods grace because he has the sovereignty power over everything and that sinners are not worth the grace of God. Weather this is true or not raises a controversial debate that seems to contradict free will with predestination. If everything has been decided by God then that means not even our free will can change things. In relation to salvation and eternal life we can’t chose to go to heaven because God has already chosen his team that supposed to inherit eternal life.{Calvinism)This …show more content…

Calvin explains the ‘elect as ‘as those who God has chosen out of his will before their birth and even laid up for them individually the grace that he wills to grant them .The election is in no way influenced by the elect. The elect according to Calvin can only know of their election through call, justification and sanctification. Pelagius on the other hand reasons that if salvation is bestowed by grace then there is no restrain to sinning. Instead Pelagius argues that man has the power to choose good over evil. According to Pelagius divine grace only facilitate one to choose good over evil. Pelagius called into question the crusfication of Jesus Christ if there are no chances for those not elected to inherit the kingdom of God and in asserting that the essence of religion was