
Penelope As The Ideal Wife In The Odyssey

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In the Odyssey, Penelope is represented as the “ideal wife”, she embodies the values within greek culture during that time and is an important figure in the Odyssey because of her admirable traits like fidelity and integrity. In one case, a minstrel is singing a song about the arrival of the Akahians as they return home, this prompts Penelope to respond by saying, “But sing no more/this bitter tale that wears my heart away./ It opens in me again the wound of longing/ for one incomparable, ever in my mind- /his fame all Hellas knows, and midland Argos” (1.391-395) In this we see Penelope’s faithfulness toward Odysseus, she begs the minstrel to cease his song because of it’s connection to her husband. Furthermore, we can see that even as she
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