People Who Can Park Analysis

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In the script, People who can park and those who can 't, I tried to create a screenplay for a short film that would be funny yet still be relatable. The general genre that I was striving for was more comedic than a feature film, however, it did turn out to ‘feel’ a lot more like a drama and less comedic. When I was writing this script I was aiming for a mature audience that could read and understand a film script. I kept in mind however, that a scripts ultimate purpose is to aid the film producer in telling the story. The script was designed to include as many language and descriptive techniques as possible, so that I could demonstrate a wide range of knowledge and understanding. This can be seen with multiple characters, dialogue, camera shots, slow-motion, transitions, and actions being added to the script.
The screenplay is written in the industry standard format, however, as this form of writing is new to me, I did have difficulty in portraying some of the information. An example of this was having to find a way to professionally portray text on a black title page. I wanted the film to be split up into people who could, and people who couldn 't park, to achieve this I wanted black screens with text to appear acting as a separator. Unfortunately, there …show more content…

While researching, I found out that a slow motion shot is rarely added into the script unless the scriptwriter is working with the director of the film. As I plan on creating this film in the future, I decided to include the slow motion shot into the script. To write a screenplay you need to follow a very strict structure, the first thing in a scene is a scene heading which must include the location (inside outside) and the name of the scene and time. There are also particular ways to introduce characters with what they say, the action of what they do, and the frame and angle of the camera