The Bible: Perceiving Relationships In The New Testament

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Perceiving Relationships in the New Testament
The Bible is a book of relationships. It teaches on love, and how one can be and see love. Love is one of the foundations for relationship, and this is seen specifically in the New Testament, as it communicates the love of God through His Son Jesus. To be blunt, Gods love is incomparable and unfathomable. To cover the extent of Gods love would definitely take more than a book. This is because the main theme of the Bible, is Jesus (Geisler.19*) and Jesus is love (1 John 4:8). Firstly, religion and relationship are completely different on many aspects. Secondly, relationship it is not only a romantic relation seen by the world but is also revealed in a family. Lastly, Unity within the …show more content…

3:9-11). Concerning this, God is about love and freedom and because of him the children of God have been freed from their beliefs of works in the law. Moving on, the majority of the believers believe that raising hands unto God is religious or mandatory in other words, an obligation for worship. However, it is not an obligation to worship God. In the Beginning, God expressed himself in positive terms because he was complete (Girgenti. 10). The Bible states, “…when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” ( John. 4:23). Concerning this, Jesus is searching for people who worship not out of obligation but with all freedom and love unto him. Worship is not to benefit God, it is beneficial for the children of God to commune with God through his son, Jesus that one brings their hearts, voice and minds to be lifted higher and draw on the presence of God to transform lives (Girgenti. 10, 11). In addition, “ Religion will say: God …show more content…

Unity is a form of relationship that can be expressed through actions, words and thoughts. To begin with, unity within the church is of great value in the New Testament. In the concordance, unity is defined as a close association in relationship and being together (H3162). A majority of christians believe that the church is a building of religious beliefs. However, the church is not a building that one can go to, it is the body of Christ which is a metaphor for one who freely accepts the Lord. Concerning this, in many sections of the books it reveals the church as the body, “so we, being many, are one body in Christ…” (Romans. 12:5), “ Now you are the body of Christ…”(1 Corinthians 12:27), “For we, though many, are one bread and one body…”(1 Corinthians. 10:17), “ …Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.” (Ephesians. 5:23). The church is referred to as The Body of Christ on many accounts, If it is mentioned more than once then it is crucial to understanding relationship with unity is vital. Jesus was born into the world taking a physical body that was prepared for Him (Hebrews. 10:5) and expressed the love of God boldly by dying for the sins of man so they may be free. In relation, Jesus is now seen and is working through those He has redeemed in other words, the Church. Now, the Church expresses and shares the love of God boldly to bring those who are