Percy Bysshe Shelley Research Paper

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Some might compare Percy Bysshe Shelley life to a reality tv show, a new drama everyday. Every part of Shelley’s life can be mapped out by his works, they make somewhat of a timeline following the political happenings of Britain, you can tell where he was, and what issue he was interested in at any given moment by the subject and tone of his works. Between the issues with the British Government and the issues he continuously runs into in his personal life Shelley had plenty to write about. Percy Bysshe Shelley’s 29 years of life were filled with scandal, tragedy, and love.
Shelley was born in Field Place, Sussex, England on August 4, 1792. His family was very well off and Shelley knew that he would one day receive that money. At the age of …show more content…

Shelley couldn't decide to whether to stay loyal to Harriet or leave with Mary. Shelley attempts suicide by overdosing on laudanum when he can't make a decision between Harriet and Mary. Eventually Shelley makes the decision to elope with Mary and on July 27, 1814 Mary’s stepsister Jane Clairmont helps Mary run away from home with Shelley to travel Europe. Donald Reiman says in Percy Bysshe Shelley that “Neither constant lack of accommodations, warnings of bandits, incivility by the war-ravaged populace, sundry difficulties in buying or hiring transportation, nor (least of all) concern for the feelings of Harriet or the Godwin’s kept Shelley, Mary, and Jane from enjoying the scenery and indeed very adventure of the improbable tour” (page 3 lines 13-18) This quote goes to show that most people assumed that none of the travelers had any guilt for pain and disruption they caused so many people. While they were away Harriet gives birth to Charles Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley’s first son. When they returned back to England Shelley, Mary, and Jane were all banned from the Godwin’s house. Mary and Shelley settle in Bishopsgate, England in 1815 where she gives birth to their first child, who dies just two weeks later. After Sir Percy Bysshe Shelley passes away Shelley starts to receive an annual income of $1000, Harriet received $200 automatically.