Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay

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PED Tangled with Sports Performance enhancing drugs are a hot issue now a days and it became a discussion in sports back in the nineteen nineties. Performance enhancing drugs or PEDś are drugs that have chemicals and acids in them that can improve a recovery process and make ones body recover faster (¨Drugs and Athletes¨). This is a big reason why it is issue in sports, these PEDś can have an athlete recover faster after training or participating in their sport and get them back into the training with such a fast recovery with the chemicals inside the PEDś. Athletes like Olympians who train years and years so they can compete in the Olympics can take PEDś so that they recover faster and train more so they can become faster and stronger so they can have an advantage over …show more content…

Therefore, cheating is highly untolerable in sports and cheating is both banned and has consequences. PEDś can improve recovery time and allow athletes to train more and become more athletically enhanced, thus giving athletes that take PEDś an unfair athletic advantage that is not natural (Mumford). Athletes that have taken PEDś in the past have argued that if everyone were to take performance enhancing drugs, that the entertainment of the sports would increase and making the sports more interesting and more popular around the world (Wang). There has also been an argument that using PEDś only alters the strength and athleticism of the athlete and not the skill it takes to play the sport. Gary Roberts, a editor at sports lawyers quoted that "Home runs are hit only because the player has great skill at swinging a bat at a little ball coming at him at over 90 mph. Most folks could take steroids all their lives and still not be able to hit that little ball,"(Wang). PEDś mostly improve an athletes strength and and athleticism and skill is up to the athlete to hone