
Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay

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Baseball is one of the biggest staples of the American culture. There's a huge fanbase for them, they are the modern day gladiator. The difference is these players make millions of dollars and fame while gladiators just got fame. Now and days, athletes are putting up remarkable stats as training paraphernalia continues to make huge strides. Not all the time is it the newest Riddell helmet or Rawlings bat that is helping players out though, as sometimes it's some good old performance enhancing drugs. These drugs have been shown to dramatically speed up a player's injury recovery time and also their strength, which for athletes is good in any situation. In the second half of the 20th century, sports became the primary source for entertainment, …show more content…

The article is called Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Fast Facts by unknown. The article speaks about what drugs are the most popular and when testing began for the major sports. They mention that some steroids were actually over the counter and allowed for use before big steroid crackdown. They also mention about how the FDA banned the performance enhancing Androstenedione from being sold over the counter in 2006. Just sit back and think about that. 2006 was barely 11 years ago and they barely banned a dangerous substance from anyone being able to get it easily. Another interesting point they bring up is that the NFL started testing for PEDs in 1987 and the MLB barely started in 2003. Why such the big gap for such a serious test? It starts to make you think that the MLB was literally begging these players to take steroids while playing for the MLB. These sports organizations don't seem to really care about their players health as Im 99.9 percent sure that these companies knew not only that the players were doing the crime, but knew they were exchanging their bodies in order to be the

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