Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay

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Performance enhancing drugs have a big impact on professional sports. The United States should allow the use of these drugs to allow athletes to compete at a higher level for a longer amount of time. Should Performance enhancing drugs be allowed in professional sports? Performance enhancing drugs are a big topic is the professional sports world today. Many people say that performance enhancing drugs are a terrible object to have in our professional sports system, but there are some good or even great thing that come out of these drugs. There are about 192 banned performance enhancing drugs in the world ( Most of these we use in a regular day like coffee and medicine to get …show more content…

The Hall of Fame for those of you who don’t know what it is; it’s a museum that commemorates all the great athletes, coaches, managers, and owners that have made a major impact on the particular sport. If more athletes make it to the Hall of Fame we will be able to remember what many people have done to contribute to the sport. Barry Bonds as we all know was one of the best home run hitters ever to play the game of baseball. Barry was told that he was taking linseed oil and rubbing balm by his trainer, but the BALCO investigators found out that they were performance enhancing drugs. We may never know if Barry was lying about his trainer giving the performance enhancing drugs but we know there will be a very long talk about how his Hall of Fame experience. Even though he was taking these drugs he still made a big impact on baseball. Without Barry, many up and coming athletes would not strive to meet or even break his record. Performance enhancing drugs are something that can and will be a new and improved material in the professional sports business. Performance enhancing drugs should be more embraced in professional sports so many more athletes can be able to be in the professional sports business. Plus with the more athletes joining there would be more stadium, and

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