Perfusionist Personal Statement

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Personal Statement A human being has one life and one life only. The older I get the more I realize how precious my time is. An old friend of mine a mechanical engineer who has lived through the prime of his life reflected back on some marvelous experiences he had as a child where his parent would take him every week to watch the trains go by. His fascination with trains at an early age inspired him, later to have a successful career throughout his lifetime. As a child I had a strong love and a passion for science. I believed that my strong fascination and drive to explore new things will carry me far in whatever future career I go. As a child, I was a timid and careful individual who never sought to take unnecessary risks. But, as I grew older I learned to challenge myself to try new experiences and by doing so I have had some of the best times of my life. One example of this was during my time in undergrad, where I gathered enough courage to ask my professor if I could do research with him. Because, I was persistent, I managed to do some intriguing research with him. I and my research partner became the first ones in our …show more content…

I came to this conclusion through my shadowing experiences with a perfusionist at a nearby hospital. I was taking medical physiology at the time of my first shadowing, and it was cool to see some relations. But I realized that he knew so much more than me, and he started talking about the base excess levels and how that related to the pH level in the blood stream. Though the second time reassured my drive to pursue perfusion as a career, I was still very curious to learn more of the problem solving process that occurs during the operating room. I realize that how important to build on that knowledge base and to even go beyond what is required to learn new things that might help in case of an unforeseen