Peri-Menopausal Women Case Study

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CHAPTER-2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: “A study to assess the psychosocial problems and coping strategies among peri-menopausal woman in selected urban community of Bangalore, with a view to develop an information booklet.” OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY  To assess the psychosocial problems of peri-menopausal women  To assess the coping strategies adopted by peri-menopausal women  To correlate the psychosocial problems and coping strategies of peri-menopausal women.  To find out the association between psychosocial problems and coping strategies with their selected demographic variables.  To develop an information booklet on coping strategies of menopause. OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS  PSYCHOSOCIAL PROBLEMS: …show more content…

Nursing model identifies itself and defines the factors or phenomena of work in a nursing situation and describes their relationship. The conceptual framework for the present study was developed based on Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation model. Adaptation is the central feature and a core concept of this model. Problems in adaptation arise when the adaptive system is unable to cope with or respond to constantly changing stimuli from the internal and external environments in a matter that maintains the integrity of the system. The person is defined as an adaptive system. System is a set of parts connected to function as a whole for some purpose and it does so by virtue of the interdependence of its parts. Adaptive means that the human system has the capacity to adjust effectively to changes in environment and in turn affects the environment. ( Andrews and Roy,

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