
Pericles Peloponnesian War Essay

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While talking about the end of the Greek democracy, we have to talk about the Pericles, Thucydides, and "The Peloponnesian Wars".
Ordinarily, Pericles was the famous Democratic leader of the Athens. He was also well known for this great speech. Regardless of being the famous leader, talented politicians like Pericles and Themistocles mostly dominated the Athenian politics in order to get supported on their own agenda and policies by the majority in the assembly. In fact, Pericles dominated Athens Politics from 461 BCE to 429 BCE (Brand, n. d.).
Basically, the whole Greek world including Athens and Sparta fought as a kind of "Greek World-War". Additionally, in 431 BCE, Pericles led Athens for the first series of Peloponnesian war against Sparta. While starting the war, the Athens was quite great in navy, good annual revenue of silver from the silver mines located at Attica, and the tribute payment from her empire. Consequently, Pericles thought that they would win the war in a couple of years (Brand, n. d.). Truly, the Peloponnesian Wars lasted for next 30 years. In the meantime, the plague hit Athens by killing thousands of people along with the Pericles himself (Brand, n. d.). …show more content…

Later on, he served as the general against Sparta. He was exiled from the country after Athens lost a war on his leadership. After thirty years of war, Athens was completely devastated and lost its empire (Brand, n. d.). According to Thucydides, Pericles managed to control and guides the destructive power of the people during his leadership but after his death, the mod is misled by Demagogue "leader of the people" and they use the poor masses for the political reasons. Similarly, many aristocrats think the Demagogues, the stupid mass of the common people by the democratic system led Athens to fall (Brand, n.

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