
Perks Of Being A Wallflower Depression Essay

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The Perks of Being A Wallflower is a book written by Stephen Chbosky. It involves a sensitive boy named Charlie who encounters death up-close and personal twice. His beloved aunt Helen dies during his early childhood, and his best friend, Michael Scott, commits suicide before reaching high school. Even though he is a wallflower, he befriends two seniors named Patrick and Sam. In the book Chbosky shows the way Charlie deals with being a “Suicide Survivor”, which is what the people left behind after a suicide are referred to. As a person I can relate to how Charlie felt after his dear friend committed suicide because in October of 2016 I lost a friend the same way. Taylor Wallace of Brookfield, Missouri took his life because of the pressures of the world and people around …show more content…

Chronic Anxiety is a disorder with which a person excessively worries about daily life. They always expect a disaster. Depression is a mood disorder with which a person has an indefinite feelings of sadness and disinterest. Anxiety and depression normally come hand and hand because when you feel like you can’t do anything you begin to worry. Taylor and Charlie both felt as if their situations were out of their hands. In the book Charlie felt as if his aunt’s death was his fault and he also felt as if he was not a good enough friend and that is why Michael committed suicide without any warning not talking to Charlie about his feelings. Taylor’s situation involved college and disappointing others. Taylor attended Columbia University and once he got there he felt overwhelmed and could not adjust to the city lifestyle so he begged his mother to come back home and attend Truman State. He came home for a break and they went and toured Truman. The whole time his mother was begging him to go back to New York. After dinner the night of the tour Taylor was feeling so down he took his own life, just as Michael did in the

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