Perks Of Being A Wallflower Essay

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Journal Entry
This past week I watched the movie The Perks of Being A Wallflower. Before watching the film I had no prejudices towards the film. I had heard many different opinions about the film and the actors who were in it, but it didn’t seem to interfere with the way I perceived the details throughout the viewing. I haven’t seen many films that starred Emma Watson, or really any of the other cast stars. I think it helped me to focus and analyze what was happening and what everything meant as they were saying and doing it, like when Emma Watson, Sam, was telling Charlie “welcome to the island of misfit toys” which lead me to believe that she was not a perfect toy and she is okay with that.
My expectations before seeing the film were pretty good. Many of the people I know have seen it and were very impressed with the film, but after watching it I was kind of blown away. The cast members seemed like they were born to play those parts. Every detail of each character was perfect, I personally wouldn’t change a thing about the characters that were in the film. If I could change one thing it that I wish I would have been able to sense the close bond between Charlie …show more content…

Patrick telling Charlie this allows him to be able to do and say things without thinking about them first. Which got him in trouble like when he kissed Sam at the party. But it also brought him closer to being who he truly wanted to be without having to be fake or a try hard. He was able to be courageous by punching Brad in the cafeteria, it didn’t come across his mind that he could get injured or even get suspended. He just wanted to help his best friend and he was able to do it easier than he thought he would have, being a recluse didn’t allow him to think he