Perm-Ban People Case Study

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Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people

Advertising other server This consists of cheating any IP address or any website not related to Op-craft, or saying "It is better" than Op-craft. The punishment for advertising another server or anything related is a permanent ban using the command.
/ban even if the IP or website isn 't actually real, with almost no chance of ban appeal acceptance.

Disrespecting Staff Members disrespecting or dis-honoring any staff member. The punishment for disrespecting staff members or anything related is what the staff that is being disrespected sees fits his situation. Using commands like " /warn" and if needed " /mute"

Spamming Excessively is consists of a player trying to cause …show more content…

The punishment for impersonating staff members or anything related is a mute using the command "/mute " 15 minuets mute.

Real Life Threads This consists of someone making real-life threads like killing someone in real life. The punishment for making out of game threads or anything related it a kick using the command "/kick ", or a mute using the command "/mute ", whatever the staff member sees fits. Not only that, but it could get you into legal trouble.

Hacked Clients This consists of a player using a modded or modified Mnecraft version downloaded from the internet, unless it is a version that makes Minecraft higherfps like Optifine The punishment for hacking or anything related is a perm ban using the command perm ban using the command "/ban ".

Spam Bots Firstly do /cc (to clear chat) then get a username of one of the spam botters, then clear it using /staffchat to then message higher staff members to help and to know. View all of the spam bots using /bminfo (the username of a spambotter) which will list all of the alts of the user and other information, then ban all the alts that the ban system reports.

Find the IPS they logged in under using the ban system, and get an admin (or if you 're an admin or higher do it yourself) to ban the IP 's using "