Perry Wood Elementary Classroom Observation

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I picked to watch a child at a football practice. The child that was observed is approximately an 8 year old male that is African-American. Additionally, his height is approximately 3ft 5 inches and his weight is around sixty pounds. The hair color of this child was black and his eye color appeared to be brown. He was wearing a white jersey with blue sleeves and a helmet that was similar to the San Diego Chargers. The color of the helmet was blue and had a thunderbolt on both sides. He did not have football cleats, but black and red sneakers. His pants were black and looked about 2 sizes too large for his frame. The number on this child’s jersey with twelve and when he put on his helmet, it appeared to be about one-third of his body size. The reason for selecting this child was because he was making the most movements out of the entire group, catching my eye. …show more content…

The time of the observation was September 18, 2015 at 7pm. It was eighty-six degrees with a cool breeze as the sun started to set in the distance. There are 3 fields that were completely full with several teams from different sports practicing. Teams were practicing so close together that you can sometimes barely tell them apart. The grass appeared to be unkempt because it was turning yellow and it looked like it has not been cut in a month. The parking was limited, so parents would park their cars onto the fields. The vast majority of the children, parents, and coaches were African-American. Parents lined up along the practice fields with their folding chairs to cheer on their children or family members. The atmosphere was so loud that it was easy for your attention to get drawn to another team’s practice due to the large amount of people in such close quarters. The team that I observed has ten members, and they did not have matching