Christianity has overall been persecuted in China. The leaders of the Chinese government has hated it for a long time. As John Shortland said in his book, The Persecutions of Annam: A History of Christianity in Cochin China and Tonking, “Again and again the rulers have treated it with savage violence, and have exerted their utmost strength to exterminate it…”(Shortland 1). So Christianity was not welcoming in the Chinese area, and it was persecuted. The Chinese had a problem with their people taking a large amount of opium. This became a problem for many people. Missionaries who came to China to convert people to Christianity tried to stop the use of opium. In Kathleen Lodwick’s book, Crusaders Against Opium: Protestant Missionaries in China, 1874-1917, “The Protestant missionaries in China were among the first people to actively and fervently campaign against the use of the drug.” (Lodwich 181). …show more content…
In Thomas Marshall’s book, Christianity in China: A Fragment, “...the venerable Adam Schaal, at the age of seventy-four, was loaded with chains and cast into prison together with large amount of converted mandarins. Schaal was to be strangled, and afterward chopped in pieces…” (Marshall 15). This is what awaited Christians in China and the areas around it. Persecution of Christians in China has happened for a long time, and it still happening today. Many Christians in China today have to worship in secret or they will be punished. Many missionaries today risk being arrested in China for bringing Bibles into the