Perseverance In Esperanza's Rising

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There is always a way out of a bad situation. Esperanza shows this in the novel, Esperanza Rising by Pam Múnoz Ryañ when she struggles to keep things steady during this time in her life. Throughout the novel, Esperanza learns that there are other ways of life in which she must acclimate to as she shows perseverance in the face of difficulty.

Early in the novel, Esperanza struggles to accept her Papa's death. After he passes away Esperanza is confused and feels as if her whole world has stopped spinning now that she is without him. Esperanza perseveres when she grasps that her mother feels the same way she does when she says, " 'As if reading her mind, Mama said, 'Papa's heart will find us wherever we go' " (56). Evidently, Esperanza and her mother think alike. Despite the fact that her Papa is gone, Esperanza understands that life will still go on. She expresses this when everyone laughs together for the first time since his death.

Further into the novel, Esperanza travels to America. This is new for Esperanza and she is confused on the new lifestyle that she is merging into. She …show more content…

When they moved into their new home in the field workers' camp, Esperanza was not happy. She shows this when she says, " 'My Papa would have never wanted us to live in a place like this' " (105). However, then she remembered Mama's kindness to the peasant girl on the train - and her disappointment in Esperanza. So Esperanza was disappointed in her own actions and wanted to be more like her mom.

Throughout the novel, Esperanza learns that there are other ways of life in which she must acclimate to as she shows perseverance in the face of difficulty.
Esperanza ends up realizing the positive things she has and blocks out the negative. Overall, Esperanza struggles throughout this time in her life but continues to persevere through them with trust and